te: Fahasamihafan'ny versiona

Contenu supprimé Contenu ajouté
k Dikanteny: ak, ee, eu, fo, gl, is, ja, la, mnc, pi, sux, ulk, zh, zia
k Dikanteny: bm, br, ca, crz, cy, eu, ht, ing, no, otl, sv
Andalana faha-1:
# [[maharedite]]
# [[mandre]]
* {{Tsiahy:Christaller1881}}
* {{wikibolana|en|te}}
# [[kaikitra]]
# [[dite]]
* {{eu-IPA}}
# [[dite]]
* {{IPA|fo|/tʰeː/}}
# [[kaikitraanarana]]
# endrika teny fameno ny teny [[ti]]
# [[dite]]
* {{IPA|is|/tʰɛː/}}
# [[mandredite]]
# rômanizasiôna ny teny [[て]]
# rômanizasiôna ny teny [[テ]]
# [[vavadite]]
# ablativa singiolary ny teny [[tu]]
# endrika teny fameno singiolary ny teny [[tu]]
* {{la-IPA|tē}}
* [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=exact&lookup=te&lang=latin te] in {{cite-book|author=Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short|title=[[w:A Latin Dictionary|A Latin Dictionary]]|publisher=Clarendon Press|location=Oxford|year=1879}}
* [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=exact&lookup=te&lang=latin te] in {{cite-book|author=Charlton T. Lewis|title=An Elementary Latin Dictionary|publisher=Harper & Brothers|location=New York|year=1891}}
* {{Tsiahy:Gaffiot}}<!--
* {{Tsiahy:M&A}}-->
* Arthur E. Gordon, ''The Letter Names of the Latin Alphabet'' ([[w:University of California Press|University of California Press]], 1973; volume 9 of ''University of California Publications: Classical Studies''), part III: “Summary of the Ancient Evidence”, page 32: "Clearly there is no question or doubt about the names of the vowels A, E, I, O, U. They are simply long A, long E, etc. (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū). Nor is there any uncertainty with respect to the six mutes B, C, D, G, P, T. Their names are bē, cē, dē, gē, pē, tē (each with a long E). Or about H, K, and Q: they are hā, kā, kū—each, again, with a long vowel sound."
* {{wikibolana|en|te}}
# [[tongotrarano]]
# rômanizasiôna ny teny [[ᡨᡝ]]
# [[dite]]
# andehilahy ploraly ny teny [[ta]]
# [[rano]]
# rômanizasiôna ny teny [[𒋼]]
# [[varavaranadite]]
# [[vava]]
# rômanizasiôna ny teny [[脦]]
# [[tongotra]]