Mpikambana:Bot-Jagwar/bot IRC/en

This page explains how to communicate with Bot-Jagwar using the Wikibolana IRC. This page is updated following implementations and upgrades of the Bot-Jagwar IRC bot, so it would be better to watch this page in case you use the Bot-Jagwar IRC bot.

Please notice that this is a translation of the original text in Malagasy language. The Malagasy language version of this manual must be considered as the most comprehensive and up-to-date. The request for update can be made at the bot owner's talk page.



Bot-Jagwar can be remote-controlled using the Freenode IRC server. The channel to which the program connects is #wikibolana on If you want to get more information about the IRC protocol, please read the Wikipedia article about IRC protocol.

Syntax in use


On  #wikibolana, when calling bot-Jagwar, you must follow the syntax, otherwise the program will not recognise what you ask it to do.

The syntax in use is :

@botjagwar argument1 argument2

  •  argument1  defines the thing you want the IRC bot to do. For example : dikao  for translations ; anagrama  for anagrams
  •  argument2  is the arguments needed for the argument1 to be complete. If not completed, the bot will not execute the command properly and may return an error message or even crash. This second argument can be a word to work on. For example : computadoraordenadoramor.

Below are a few examples about the way the Bot-Jagwar IRC bot works.

  • @botjagwar dikao computadora — will give the translation of  computadora  in Malagasy language.
  • @botjagwar anagrama computadora — will return a list of anagrams of  computadora ,   in malagasy  (even if the word is in Portuguese).

Also note that if you find @botjagwar too long as a call message, you can call the bot by typing @bj.



Current versions are in  green. Future versions are in  blue and deprecated ones are in  red.

Version Date
v1.0 alefo 20 Feb. 2013 Testing purpses
v1.0 beta 24 Feb. 2013 New features, including Malagasy translation of foreign language words, anagrams of Malagasy language

Supported commands


This can change over time.

  • dikao : gives all translations word to Malagasy language. If several languages use the same word, each language will be transalted in Malagasy with the language code accompanying it.
  • anagrama : list of anagrams in Malagasy.
  • famaritana : definition of a malagasy word, in Malagasy language.

Problems encountered

  • dikao
    • lack of support of non-latin texts.