Endrika:list:days of the week/ajp

(days of the week) أيّام الأسبوع(ʔayyām il-ʔusbūʕ); الأحد(il-ʔaḥad), الإتنين(il-ʔitnēn), التلاتا(it-talāta), الأربعا(il-ʔarbiʕa), الخميس(il-ḵamīs), الجمعة(il-jumʕa), السبت(is-sabt) (Category: ajp:Days of the week)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{list doc}}.

This is a list of days of the week in the South Levantine Arabic language.


* {{list:days of the week/ajp}}

This list in all languages and scripts Ovay